Connections typography
Aaron Miller ’13 and Ashlea Nash ’15 met while they were both students at Manchester and stayed in touch after graduating. “The more we talked and hung out the more we knew we were meant to be together,” Nash said. They started dating in 2018 and got married in 2022 with lots of MU friends in attendance.
TOP: David House ‘14, Jake Butler ‘14, Aron Miller ‘13, Zach Dashner ‘14
BOTTOM: Emilee Liston ‘17, Alli House ‘13, Abby Neff ‘15, Ashlea Nash ‘15, Chelsea Dashner ‘13
Manchester has a long tradition of celebrating those who met here, fell in love, got married and built a life together. In this issue of Manchester, we are also celebrating connections that come from shared passions, service, friendship, traditions and community.

Did you form a special connection while at Manchester? Please share a photo and short description of your Manchester Connection by emailing with the subject line “Manchester Connections.”

Barb Burdge and Mia Miller smiling with their guide Savana Case
During the summer of 2023, Professor of Social Work Barb Burdge and Director of Disability Services Mia Miller were traveling with their families out west, stopping at various National Parks. They booked a rafting trip one afternoon on the Colorado River at Glen Canyon in Arizona, and they were shocked to discover their rafting guide would be Savana Case ’23, who had just graduated from Manchester a few weeks before. Miller had been her success advisor.
Philip and LaDonna Shively Compton smiling in wedding photo
Philip ’64 and LaDonna Shively Compton ’65 were married in Petersime Chapel on Aug. 1, 1964 – officiated by both Al Deeter, professor of religion and philosophy, and Rev. John Petrie, LaDonna’s home church pastor. Bob Peffers ’64 was the groomsman. John Gwinn ’64 and Stephen Herroff ’64 were ushers. They will celebrate their 60th anniversary this August.

Carol Trissell ’69 Stull was “lost and homesick” when Rex Miller ’69 and friends Jim Stull ’69 and Jack Buchanan decided to make it their mission to help her adjust to college life. They kept her company during meals, included her in their activities, and Jim helped her with chemistry. When Jim’s fiancé sent back her engagement ring, Carol and Jim became more than friends. During junior year spring break, the four drove to Orlando, Florida. The guys stayed with Rex’s parents and Carol stayed next door with his aunt. One evening as Jim and Carol sat outside on the lawn between the two houses, Jim proposed. They married a year and a half later on August 16th.

Vera Winger and Tom Swantner vintage wedding photo
Vera Winger ’52 and Tom Swantner ’54 met at a mixer during their first weekend at Manchester. There was a dance, and whoever met in the middle of the floor were partners for the night. Tom and Vera were hit by kismet when they met. A week later, they were engaged. In June of 1951, they were wed.
Kim and Becki Swantner Heusel wedding photo
Both Kim ’76 and Becki Swantner Heusel ’76, daughter of Vera Winger ’52, were selected for A Cappella Choir for their freshman year and came a week early to rehearse for the opening convocation in September. Kim sat two rows behind Becki. For the first hour or so of rehearsal, he only saw the back of her head and her hair that reached her waist, and he thought it was pretty. “He was okay with the face when he saw that, too,” Becki said. They began dating at Christmas of 1972, went to Europe with Professor Holsinger during January session of 1974, and married in August of 1975, between their junior and senior years.

Steve Shaum ’89 held a few jobs over six years after graduating, before then Vice President for Enrollment Dave McFadden ’82 hired him as an admissions counselor. After more than eight years in admissions at Manchester, he left for an admissions position in Ithaca, New York. This then led him to Cornell University, where he served as a career and academic advisor for more than 18 years. “Manchester opened a door for me when I was admitted as a transfer student after really struggling academically for a year at another college . . . In all, I’ve been in higher education administration for over 28 years. I owe it to Manchester for giving me a chance, not once, but twice,” Shaum said.

Deanna and Sam Unger wedding photo
Deanna and Sam Unger ’71 were married in Petersime Chapel in 1969. While Deanna did not attend Manchester herself, she participated in a small group for spouses of Manchester students.