BOTTOM: Emilee Liston ‘17, Alli House ‘13, Abby Neff ‘15, Ashlea Nash ‘15, Chelsea Dashner ‘13
Did you form a special connection while at Manchester? Please share a photo and short description of your Manchester Connection by emailing with the subject line “Manchester Connections.”
Carol Trissell ’69 Stull was “lost and homesick” when Rex Miller ’69 and friends Jim Stull ’69 and Jack Buchanan decided to make it their mission to help her adjust to college life. They kept her company during meals, included her in their activities, and Jim helped her with chemistry. When Jim’s fiancé sent back her engagement ring, Carol and Jim became more than friends. During junior year spring break, the four drove to Orlando, Florida. The guys stayed with Rex’s parents and Carol stayed next door with his aunt. One evening as Jim and Carol sat outside on the lawn between the two houses, Jim proposed. They married a year and a half later on August 16th.
Steve Shaum ’89 held a few jobs over six years after graduating, before then Vice President for Enrollment Dave McFadden ’82 hired him as an admissions counselor. After more than eight years in admissions at Manchester, he left for an admissions position in Ithaca, New York. This then led him to Cornell University, where he served as a career and academic advisor for more than 18 years. “Manchester opened a door for me when I was admitted as a transfer student after really struggling academically for a year at another college . . . In all, I’ve been in higher education administration for over 28 years. I owe it to Manchester for giving me a chance, not once, but twice,” Shaum said.